Monday 22 April 2013


Before Final Exam , vote of thanks to Miss NorBaiti which teach subject Proficiency English II. I hope what the lecturer teach  affect all of us and practice in the future. Nowadays, English so important serves to working hours and anything need language English ( speak English). So that , I hope Proficiency English II got A's compared last semester. With my success or my results can bring pride both mother and my dad.  Every parents eyes success from the children. Insyallah :) I will make the best.


My lecturer order create  thing that have no in Malaysia according to creating member of a group including fatin, fasihah, and faris. my group product is "Mug Blander". it's so difficult to find mug blander that meets . From mug blander can make coffee, tea, milo, juice and the foolproof and brought.


It's hard to find someone like you that support people to speak in English :) Good job Mat Lutfi, Motivated Video ;). Awesome. You are the best . Funny to reduce stress to video Mat Lutfi. I've in that situation. Haha spoke in English  class and got condemned by friends.  The world needs more positive people, perhaps the one like you :D


After 2 weeks ago my lecturer Nor Baiti give back paper Test 1. I got 5.5% to total including presentation and test 1. I'm a very sad because got marks is lowest between with my friends, the highest in test 1 maybe 11% . I hope test 2 get better sore from test 1 INSYALLAH :)


Social networking sites such as twitter, Facebook and blog have destroyed communication between friends and family. Do you agree?

   In the modern are where technology takes charge in our daily life, the above question would be likely to be asked by most people. Social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, and blogging website certainly did make a hug impact in our live. In my opinion, social networking sites have destroyed communication between friends and family.
   Firstly, the social networking site providers users with are wide variety of entertainment. This cause most users to be addicted to social networking site. Social networking sites would cause family bound and friendship to be broken one would also forego their responsibility of being a part of the family and the trust given to a sure friend.
   On top of that, social networking sites would cause lack of face to face communication between friend and family this will lead to miscommunication between the people you care most. As we know, text can never express oneself better than speech. It shows sincerity thorough your speech and intonation, not forgetting body gestures that creates interesting converstion. In my opinion, text just paper and ink-text lifeless. One might interpret a simple sentence in so many different ways.
   In conclusion , as with most thing in life there are positive and negative sides social networking, both of which we have now explored.


We learn to Writing our lecturer given choose for activity today. I and my group members with Fasihah, Surhayati, and Fatin we choice Characters Superhero , Setting By the Beach, and Gender Romance .


  • A campus geek.
  • A juvenile delinquent.
  • A psychopath.
  •  A run away bride.
  • A Superhero.

  • By the beach.
  • At a mountain.
  • At a campsite.
  • Unisel campus.
  • At the term Park. 

  • Tragedy.
  • Romance.
  • Comedy.
   A girls name Samatha Nelly plans to go on holiday at the beach in Bahamas. The whether was not very good, with turbulent waves. she has plan to go swimming the beach even tough prohibited by the hotel staff.
   She walks in the beach and day dreams, suddenly strong waves come and dragged her into the sea full wih shark. she shout and ask for help. All of a sudden a Mon, Willian Stone come out using power jet ski and save Samatha.
   He takes away Samatha and give CPR. The girl wake up and crying in fear and stone console her. The she asked why are you willing save? And the man answer "Because I am Your "SUPERHERO" <3 _<3

Sunday 21 April 2013


 A well - organized paragraph supports or develops a single controlling idea, which is expressed in a sentences called the topic sentences. A topic sentences has several important function; it substantiates or supports an essay's thesis statements; it unities to content of a paragraphs will discuss it. Readers generally look to the first few sentences in a paragraph to determine the subject and perspective of the paragraph. That's why it's often best to put the topic sentences at the very beginning of the paragraph. In come case, however, it's more effective to place another sentences linking the current paragraph to the previous one, or one providing background information.